目前分類:旅行遊記 (129)

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Continuing on from last week, my top ten off-the-beaten-track destinations in Japan:

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Japan has been a country that I have always liked. A family favourite, I used to visit the land of the rising sun at least once a year. Instead of visiting as many countries as possible, I much prefer visiting a country extensively before moving on: only then one can really experience the true beauty of the land.

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先前有空的時候,用Google Map弄了個「Places I've been to」的東西(其實Facebook也有相類似的功能,不過我嫌它不夠精細,所以還是自己弄了一個)看了看才發現,原來我真的很幸運,已經有機會到過很多地方,看看世界不同的一面。

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離開了柏林,下一站是漢堡 (Hamburg),在德國北岸的港口城市。

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The Vltava river is, of course, one of the best sights in the magnificent city of Prague. Nevertheless, when Prague is mentioned, one would probably think of the Castle and the Medieval Old Town that fortunately have survived until now.

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Prague is always a must-see city. 

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Prague is always a must-see city. 

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